Franck, passionate captain

The call of the sea was the strongest! The Atlantic Ocean and the maritime environment are a landmark, a strong anchor for me to the point that their presence in my daily life has become over time a need and a necessity!

Professional captain, I decided to create MERZEN in order to be able to sail every day and live from my passion.

As a professional sailor, the permanent safety of my passengers is of course an absolute priority.

…concerned about your well-being

The format of the private cruise (6 passengers maximum) allows me to be as close as possible to the expectations of my passengers in order to make them live a unique moment, to transmit to them and to share with them the positive emotions, the pleasure, the good -being provided by the maritime environment, navigation and the Gulf.

… and the environment

Lover of the sea and wide open spaces, it is essential for me that my activity respects the environment. The operation of MERZEN has been designed to preserve the environment as much as possible: eco-navigation (slow navigation, strict compliance with mooring instructions so as not to degrade the seabed, in particular seagrass beds, rigorous management of waste, water), awareness passengers on the preservation of the natural area of the Gulf and information on good practices; but also short circuit for the company's service providers and suppliers and highlighting local producers.

For this adventure

TANGARA is my buddy! I chose it for your safety...

TANGARA is a MERRY FISHER MARLIN 855. This very stable model at sea has high freeboards that allow easy and safe movement around the entire boat.

TANGARA holds a Commercial Use Vessel navigation license (NUC):it is subject to regulations and professional standards.

… and your comfort!

TANGARA allows you to enjoy your cruise whatever the season! It offers very beautiful spaces, seating and sunbathing on its deck, but you can also take shelter in the wheelhouse if you wish. Toilets are available on board.